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"The coral reefs of Mabul and Sipadan"

1st Place

Winner of the Video Master Category

14th Underwater Film Festival of Strasbourg

* * * * * * *

Prize from the Public

Video Professional Category

33eFestival International du Film Maritime et d'Exploration de Toulon

* * * * * * *

2nd Place

Video Master Category

16th International Photo & Video Festival NELOS
of Middelkekre


"Discover the coral reefs around Mabul and Sipadan, two islands located in the Celebes Sea, on the east side of Borneo. The underwater fauna and flora, exceptional by abundance in this part of the world, will fill you with wonder. This film reflects the look of the director on the sea. He will take you with him in a wonderful journey, through different themes, sometimes including unexpected meetings and will guide you in the mysterious atmosphere of Turtle tomb."


Film three times awarded !

French version with translation booklet in English included
Standard PAL (others on request) - 26 minutes approx.

Normal price : CHF 35.78 Export.
Special offer : now at CHF 30.- Export !

Click here to order...



"Memories of the old Tignes Village"

Special Prize of the Jury

Video Professional Category

26e Ciclo International de Cine Submarino de
San Sebastian


"A particularly moving count from the past told by Mr Henri Extrassiaz, a unique Christ in the world, truths and outstanding events, sometimes a litte bit embroidered on but that doesn't matter as long as the emotion is here ! Tignes, an engulfed village, drowned as say the ancients, is today a famous ski resort. Many years after the building of the barrage, one activity was developed : scuba diving under ice. Stéphane Urbain, particularly fond of explorating the natural lake located in the middle of wonderful mountains also explains the changes which occurred during several thousand years."


French version with translation booklet in English included
Standard PAL (others on request) - 18 minutes approx.

Normal price : CHF 30.20 Export.
Special offer : now at CHF 26.- Export !

Click here to order...



Package - Promotion

"The coral reefs of Mabul and Sipadan"


"Memories of the old Tignes Village"

You are interested in buying the two video tapes ?

So this offer is for you...

We propose you both films for a special price !

Normal price : CHF 65.98 Export.
Special offer : CHF 46.47 Export ! ! !

Click here to order...

Authentic Diving - Thierry Kramer
Last update - July 2003

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